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MongoDB Atlas® Admin API


This document covers the information to gather from MongoDB Atlas in order to configure a Qarbine data service to interact with the Atlas Administration API. The data service will use the Qarbine Atlas_API driver. You can define multiple data services that access the same Atlas endpoint though with varying credentials. Once a data service is defined, you can manage which Qarbine principals have access to it and its associated Atlas administration data. A Qarbine administrator has visibility to all data services.


The MongoDB Atlas DBaaS service ( has an administration API for interacting which includes accessing configuration information such as clusters, along with retrieving invoices. This API is independent from using the MongoDB query language to query the stored application data itself. Only read interactions are supported by the Qarbine interface to the Atlas API. The Qarbine Atlas API driver is aware of most entry points up through version 2 of the MongoDB Atlas API. For more details see

MongoDB Atlas Configuration Overview

You must allow the Qarbine server to access the Atlas administration API. The requires:

  1. obtaining an access token and
  1. allowing the Qarbine host (deployed how you see fit) to your Atlas instance.

Token can be obtained to access:

  1. operational information or
  1. billing information.

Qarbine Atlas reporting requires a read only Atlas API key. You can obtain an Atlas API key using the instructions at

Additional useful links are

Atlas API Key Granularity Options

The Atlas API keys used by Qarbine should be limited to read only access. You can define API keys at the organizational and/or project level.


You can define multiple Qarbine Data Services based on what granularity you want to permit. In the upper left, you can change your context by selecting your organization and project from the drop down menus.


Initial Steps

Decide on the granularity of the Atlas API key and any network access restrictions. You can configure different Qarbine Data Services with different Atlas API keys and then control their visibility to users to meet your operational requirements.

Log on to Atlas at

Organization Level First Steps

In the top of the page select your organization as shown below.


Select the “API Keys” tab.


Project Level First Steps

There are a few ways to access a project. If you are viewing your organization, then click the Projects option in the left hand gutter.


Next select the name of the project of interest from the listing.


You can also click the Access Manager drop down arrow.


Select your project.


Select the “API Keys” tab.


Common Completion Steps



Enter a name and choose”Project Read Only”.




On the next page, copy the values into a temporary area. They are needed when defining a Qarbine Data Service as described below.







On the dialog


Enter the IP address or click the button for your current IP address.





Remember, the Atlas API keys used by Qarbine should be limited to read only access. An example page is shown below. Adjust the permissions based on your analysis requirements. You can define multiple Qarbine data services with varying API keys and associated permissions.


MongoDB Console Information


Log on to your MongoDB Atlas console to determine or define:

  • an API key and
  • network access.


Define an API key by navigating to the Access Manager by clicking


or the greenish background item below.


Activate the API Keys tab.


To create a key click the button in the upper right.


To edit an existing key click its button on the row’s right hand side


Follow the prompts to define or update the API Key.


For general inquiries the following permissions may be used.


For any analysis interactions retrieving invoicing, use these permissions .


An incorrect Atlas API key as set by the Qarbine Administrator may result in the following,


Network Access

The network access permissions of the API key need to be reviewed as well. Navigate to that section by clicking the highlighted option below.


Review the IP Allow List table. If an IP address needs to be added then adjust the configuration by clicking


It is the IP address of the Qarbine host and not of user browsers that is to be specified.

Make and save the change(s) as required.

In the Data Source Designer or when running any query, you will see the following when an IP address is not permitted for the associated Atlas API key.


Qarbine Configuration

Compute Node Preparation

Determine which compute node service endpoint you want to run this data access from. That URL will go into the Data Service’s Compute URL field. Its form is “https://domain:port/dispatch”. A sample is shown below.


The port number corresponds to a named service endpoint configured on the given target host. For example, the primary compute node usually is set to have a ‘main’ service. That service’s configuration is defined in the ˜./qarbine.service/config/service.main.json file. Inside that file the following driver entry is required

"drivers" :[
. . .

If you end up adding that entry then restart the service via the general command line syntax

pm2 restart <service>

For example,

pm2 restart main

or simply

pm2 restart all

Data Service Definition

Open the Administration Tool.

Navigate to the Data Services tab.


A data service defines on what compute node a query will run by default along with the means to reach to target data. The latter includes which native driver to use along with settings corresponding to that driver. Multiple Data Sources can reference a single Data Service. The details of any one Data Service are thus maintained in one spot and not spread out all over the place in each Data Source. The latter is a maintenance and support nightmare.

Click   .

On the right hand side enter a data service name and description.


It is recommended you use this name as well because the example components reference this data service name. Here is the text to copy.

Atlas Virtual DB @orgName

Also choose the “Atlas_API” driver.


The server template is the base API endpoint.


Here is the text to copy.

The server options contain the API key’s who and private key values.


You can reference environment variables using the syntax %NAME%. Any strings should be quoted and the key\value pairs separated by commas.

Dynamic Data Services (optional)


Qarbine’s “dynamic data service” feature mentioned above enables data sources and templates to refer to a general data service by name and have the final data service resolved at runtime. For example, the data service “Atlas VirtualDB @orgName” can be configured with an Atlas API key for the default organization. In this scenario there are also two other data services defined:

Data Service Name Description
Atlas Virtual DB ProdConfigured with the Atlas API key for Production deployment.
Atlas Virtual DB TestConfigured with the Atlas API key for Test deployment.

The ‘@orgName’ placeholder in the referenced data service name may be dynamically replaced at runtime with a value in the following priority order:

  1. one that has been prompted for,
  1. one that has been passed in as a runtime variable,
  1. a value in the Qarbine principal’s annotations, or
  1. an annotation value in a principal’s referenced access group.

Each of the separate data service objects below



has its own API key and other settings.

Principal Annotations

The Qarbine administrator sets a principal’s annotations. Also note that the determined data service must still be visible to the principal as well. This visibility is set by the Qarbine administrator.

For the sign on principal


adjust the annotations as required.


Then click on the toolbar button.


End User Set Annotations

End users may also change their annotations by clicking in the upper right of a tool.


In the dialog, navigate to the tab shown and enter key\value pairs separated by commas.


Then click


Then dismiss the subsequent dialog.


The determined data service must still be visible to the principal as well to actually end up using.

Access Group Annotations

Access groups provide a convenient way to define options for a set of principals. For the access group principal


adjust the annotations as required.


Then click on the toolbar button.



When using the Qarbine query tools if you are switching “orgName” values then you may need to use control-click for the Run button to clear any cached variable values. Some cache clearing is automatically done.
